Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ok, so i got the devil part, but what about the thinker?

Assuming that you want to know the answer to this question (because if u didnt want to know, then u wouldn't have visited my blog in the first place, and if by now my blog is large, u wouldnt have clicked on 'about me' if u didnt want to know abt me)
 the question is well, answered above. Reading the thing in the parenthesis shows that i think a lot.
So, yeah, I think a lot.
I think about why the shape of India is the way it is today,  and why we are stupidly enemies with every bordering nation, 
i think about why Italians are meant to be fashionable while some of my lecturers dress hideously,
I think about why should non-vegetarianism be followed, i think about how seeing a naked Pamela Anderson will help more people become vegetarians.(she is a big -no pun intended-vegetarian, you know.)

I think about why politicians in india are so corrupt, and why Eskimos in Alaska dont give a shit abt politics in india. Or rather, y most ppl in gujarat dont give a shit abt any thing beside their textbooks. 

I think about the psychology of serial killers, the evolution of computers, the serenity of new zealand, the evolution of mankind, if god is there or not, of why ppl fight over religions, of the mentality of terrorists
and blah blah blah. I am always in thought, whether it is a puzzle, a political problem, a technical one, or just how i will manage to complete all my work in time.

I think. That's the reason why i put up the useless knowledge widget on my blog and will put up other thought provoking widgets later on.

So yes, i sit and think, and many times just like the guy in the picture. (well not naked, but ya like on the toilet waiting for the crap to come out, i got crap in my head as i count the tiles on my bathroom wall thinking that i may come up with the next Ramanujan's number, or maybe i  contemplate the excretory system itself, and then i miss the bus for college ;)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Numero Uno

Ah. so this is it. This is my first blogpost. 
My name is Dhaval, but I sometimes like to stick to Devil - that was how this cute girl used to pronounce my name in middle school; unfortunately, i frgt her name :(

Anyway, "Devil" sorta fits my persona. Few people know my EXTREMELY high temperament, but those who do, know that i am a seemingly dormant volcano that can abruptly come alive and can obliterate anything in its path when something shakes its base. 

I get hyper whenever someone questions my reasoning, or ignores my opinion, but am peaceful otherwise. I found this volcano analogy irrelevant the first time a friend mentioned it, but as i thought about it more and more, i found it amusing, and yes, highly relevant. 

I can transform from calm waters, preoccupied in in trying to find the solution of a problem, to  your worst satanic nightmare when u least expected it. You throw a rock or two in these waters, and it wont just create ripples on the surface, not even waves; a god damned tsunami may just washout even the possiblity of a healthy conversation.

But if you steer away from these disturbances, or help keep the water calm, i can be a saint, an advisor, a teacher, a friend.

Its a weakness, i know, and i try to keep that demonic volcano within me peaceful. 

But anyhoo (thats not a typo), thats me.